Hace 3 días Google con su doodle nos recordó el Solsticio de Verano y aunque vivo en un país que no tiene estaciones, soy de las que pienso que si se pueden disfrutar porque más que cambios climáticos, son sensaciones. El verano es descanso, paseos, encuentros tanto familiares como con amistades. Es ese tiempo en que se nos permite levantarnos tarde y saltarnos el desayuno. Es ver pelis, hacer preparaciones nuevas en la cocina y comenzar con un nuevo hobbie.
Además les cuento que en mi ciudad si se está viviendo el verano y en un nivel fuerte uff!!! Mucho calor hace por estos días en mi hermosa Santa Marta (más que el de costumbre) y este lugar ya está lleno de turistas extranjeros con sexies bronceados. Justo para refrescar el ojo después de tanto estrés universitario (LOL!).
Duré semanas haciendo la recopilación de las editoriales de moda más veraniegas de este año para compartirlas con ustedes justo ahora que inicia esta estación, la favorita de muchos (entre esas yo). Como buena costeña amo el sol, la playa y el relax que este ambiente nos brinda. Sé que muchos me leen en lugares donde no tienen estos privilegios y por ello optan por viajar para disfrutarlos, entonces soy yo la encargada de antojarlos. DISFRUTEN esta galería que cree para ustedes.
3 days ago Google with its doodle reminded us of the Summer Solstice, and although I live in a country that has no seasons, I'm of those who think that if you can enjoy it more than climate change, are sensations. Summer is rest, walks, meetings with both family and friends. It's that time when we are allowed to get up late and skip breakfast. You watch movies, make new preparations in the kitchen and start a new hobby.
Also tell them that in my city is living the summer and how! phew!! Too hot for these days in my beautiful Santa Marta (more than usual) and this place is packed with foreign tourists and their sexy tan. Just to delight the eye after so much stress university (LOL!).
For weeks I collected editorials summer fashion this year to share with you right now that starts this season, the favorite of many (eg me). As a good coastal love the sun, beach and relaxation that this environment provides. I know many of my readers are in places where they don't have these privileges, and therefore choose travel to enjoy, then I'm the one in charge of crave. ENJOY this gallery you create for you.
Cristina Tosio - Elle, Spain, June 2013 |
Cristina Tosio - Elle, Spain, June 2013 |
Cristina Tosio - Elle, Spain, June 2013 |
Angela Lindvall - Vogue, Russia, May 2013 |
Anja Rubik for Vogue Paris - July 2013 |
Helena Christensen - Elle, Spain, May 2013 |
Helena Christensen - Elle, Spain, May 2013 |
Helena Christensen - Elle, Spain, May 2013 |
Helena Christensen - Elle, Spain, May 2013 |
Sara Von Schrenk - Marie Claire, Russia, June 2013 |
Sara Von Schrenk - Marie Claire, Russia, June 2013 |
Sheila Márquez for S Moda June 2013 |
Sheila Márquez for S Moda June 2013 |
Carly Engleton - Be, France, May 2013 |
Carly Engleton - Be, France, May 2013 |
Carly Engleton - Be, France, May 2013 |
Dree Hemingway - Vogue, USA, June 2013 |
Behati Prinsloo - Glamour, USA, June 2013 |
Dree Hemingway - Vogue, USA, June 2013 |
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Heidi Harrington Johnson, Emily Senko - Elle Italy, May 2013 |
Heidi Harrington Johnson, Emily Senko - Elle Italy, May 2013 |
Heidi Harrington Johnson, Emily Senko - Elle Italy, May 2013 |
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Heidi Harrington Johnson, Emily Senko - Elle Italy, May 2013 |
Kate Upton - Vogue, USA, June 2013 |
Leeny Ivanisvili - Elle Italy, June 2013 |
Leeny Ivanisvili - Elle Italy, June 2013 |
Dewi Driegen - Elle UK, June 2013 |
Dewi Driegen - Elle UK, June 2013 |
Dewi Driegen - Elle UK, June 2013 |
Marina Hein - Cosmopolitan Spain, June 2013 |
Kate Upton - Vogue, USA, June 2013 |
Michelle Mccallum - Cosmopolitan, UK, May 2013 |
Olga Maliouk - Elle, Spain, May 2013 |
Olga Maliouk - Elle, Spain, May 2013 |
Paz Vega - Harper's Bazaar Mexico, June 2013 |
Kate Moss - Vogue UK, June 2013 |
Magdalena Frackowiak - Vogue Japan, May 2013 |
Behati Prinsloo - Glamour, USA, June 2013 |
Dewi Driegen - Elle UK, June 2013 |
Dewi Driegen - Elle UK, June 2013 |
Elena Baguci - Elle, Spain, May 2013 |
Elena Baguci - Elle, Spain, May 2013 |
Elena Baguci - Elle, Spain, May 2013 |
Elena Baguci - Elle, Spain, May 2013 |
Fabiana Capra - Vogue, Portugal, June 2013 |
Fabiana Capra - Vogue, Portugal, June 2013 |
Ilse De Boer - L'Officiel France, June 2013 |
Ilse De Boer - L'Officiel France, June 2013 |
Tamara Weijenberg - Harper's Bazaar USA, May 2013 |
Magdalena Frackowiak - Vogue Japan, May 2013 |
Magdalena Frackowiak - Vogue Japan, May 2013 |
Magdalena Frackowiak - Vogue Japan, May 2013 |
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